Burn fat 25 minutes a day with “Total-Body HIIT Workout”

Come start your Total-Body HIIT workout. A famous trainer who has come up with a proven fat burning exercise formula that is safe and effective. To begin it with warm up for two minutes. With light stretches and cardio, such as jumping rope or jumping, lightly alternating legs, just enough to stretch your body and get ready for the workout. Let’s get started
HIIT workouts are divided into three parts. With each of these suggested exercises doing 30 seconds of the pose and then resting for 60 seconds. Do this in 3 rounds and rest for 90 seconds when you complete one set. Before going to the second position remember. That the goals for this form of exercise are: Movement as much as possible for 30 seconds. And then relax or stretch, rest as recommended. So as not to make the body use too much energy.
Set 1

Exercise 1: basic air squat or air chair Do as many moves as possible in 30 seconds.
Exercise 2: Step 2: jump, legs, alternate, 30 seconds
Exercise 3: Squat touch for 30 seconds

Rest for 60 seconds after completing all three exercises. Then repeat two more times. (Three times in total) Take a 90-second break before moving on to the next set.
Set 2

Exercise 1: Burpee 30 seconds
Exercise 2: Push-Up Jack, 30 seconds.
Exercise 3 Floor Triceps Dip 30 seconds.
Rest for 60 seconds after completing all three exercises. Then repeat two more times. (Three times in total) Take a 90-second break before moving on to the next set.
Set 3

Exercise 1: Bicycle Crunch, switch left and right 30 seconds.

Exercise 2: Russian Twist, switch left and right for 30 seconds.

Exercise 3: Flutter Kick: Switch left and right kick for 30 seconds.

Rest for 60 seconds after completing all three exercises. Then repeat two more times. (A total of three) 90 seconds rest.
After doing a complete set, be sure to relax and stretch your body with some stretching to make you feel more comfortable. Or anyone interested in this style of exercise can follow the workouts in more sets at goldenfitnic Chanel.